Ed's Squirrel Brain

A blog about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Asperger’s Syndrome from the view of someone diagnosed in their 50s

latest articles

ADHD, Girls, Women, Menopause
ADHD, Girls, Women & The Menopause
ADHD, Girls, Women & The Menopause Disclaimer Since being diagnosed with ADHD in May 2022 I have been looking into the condition to understand it and how it impacts me. During...
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ADHD & Rejection sensitivity dysphoria
rejection sensitivity dysphoria What is it? Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) is an overwhelming emotional sensation that someone experiences in response to an actual or perceived...
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ADHD in Numbers
adhd in numbers Prevalence In recent years the USA has developed better understanding of ADHD prevalence than the UK and their rates are considerably higher,...
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ADHD & AS - the first 4 months
ADHD & AS – the first 4 months ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome and me today It is now 4 months since I received my ADHD diagnosis and slightly under 2 since I had my Asperger’s...
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ASPERGER’s SYNDROME & ME Asperger’s Syndrome Definition Most adults with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) have some cognitive or language skill issues that mask the fact...
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ADHD and Me
ADHD & ME – PART 2 – HYPERACTIVE-IMPULSIVE 3 Types of ADHD The symptoms of ADHD can be categorised into 3 types of behavioural challenges: Predominantly inattentive...
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Who am I?

I’m Ed, a 50-something man who who has recently been diagnosed with both Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ) and Asperger’s Syndrome ( AS ).

I’ve started this website as a place to process my thoughts on my Asperger’s, ADHD and the wider world of neurodiversity. As I go through this journey to try to understand both diagnoses, I will be pulling them apart to work out what they are and how they impact me. I will be looking in to academic research, shared lived experiences of others and my own experiences,  expressing my own views on what I find along the way. 

Why ‘Squirrel Brain’? Just watch ‘Dug the talking dog’ in the Disney Pixar movie ‘Up‘. One of the big ADHD traits that I live with is distractibility, though medication has helped enormously with that, but there will be more about that in the blogs.

I’m sharing this blog publicly in case it helps anyone, either someone going through this themselves, or someone close to them, so please feel free to share.

Please also feel free to contact me via the contact page with any questions, observations or personal experiences that you want to share.

I'd love to hear from you!

Are you neurodiverse? Do you suspect that you have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or  Asperger’s Syndrome? Are you close to someone who has ADHD and/or AS? Please contact me to share your experiences and ask your questions. I’m not an expert, I’m just starting out on this journey, but I may use your questions and observations to guide me as I come up with new blog subjects, all in the strictest confidence of course. 

Attention Deficit Disorder