adhd in numbers

In recent years the USA has developed better understanding of ADHD prevalence than the UK and their rates are considerably higher, at 9.4% for children. The male to female ratio is under intense and deserved scrutiny at the moment as it exposes the bias in testing that originates with the ‘hyperactive boy’ mode of thinking when it comes to ADHD.
Diagnosis rates

Some statistics from the USA

Whilst there are some variable ranges in the numbers above, due to various studies using differing methodologies and varying sample sizes, the lower end markers are high enough to warrant attention. I have included these numbers so that UK readers can get a sense for the direction that our own numbers might move in if we start to give ADHD the focus that it needs. ADDitude Magazine goes in to more depth about US stats here.
ADHD and the NHS

Yet another UK example of the ‘postcode lottery’. It is worth noting that these numbers are taken from articles written during the pandemic, so there is a strong chance that the times have increased
ADHD and mental state

ADHD and poverty

US statistics again, but given that ADHD is genetic, and that it has been poorly recognised in society to date, it is no surprise that it has more impact in poorer households.
ADHD and crime

My hope is that, by highlighting these numbers, more people become aware of the challenges that we as a society face by not getting to grips with ADHD and the wider Neurodiverse world. There is still a taboo around these conditions, not helped by the tosspots that used words like ‘deficit’ and ‘disorder’ when they named them. The cost of diagnosing and treating ADHD is incredibly low compared to the cost to the NHS and the criminal justice system that could be avoided if we did so. The sooner society stops demonising kids for being ‘different’, gives them the help that they need, and looks at the immense number of positives that they can bring to the table the better.